Sunday, 31 March 2013

Order of Progress

I don't often use geometric shapes in my art but these Steampunk papers fitted beautifully with my page. I have also used the matching stamp and loved working on the theme of progress, moving forward and being ordered - so relevant to my life right now :).

Friday, 29 March 2013

May the Art Fest Begin...

After a period of great work stress, I'm on a break now. I work with young children, term time only and so here in the UK it's the Easter holidays. I'm up for two weeks of family time, arting and hopefully gardening, oh yeah, and an assignment to write (I'm a mature student, more of that later).

So, this morning I started decorating the cover of a handmade journal from my good friend HK (see post "Random Art of Kindness"), we have done a journal exchange and I've been busy personalising the outside of mine. I love it, I love the whole journal as it was made especially for me by someone I care about.

This is why I want to make art journals to sell, so that people can buy them knowing they have been made with love, care and with the intention of being a means of self-expression. With an art journal, the possibilities are endless, there are no rules and it's all about the pure joy of creation. For me, art is also about unravelling your true self, seeing your mind, emotions, fears, thoughts, desires, hopes, dreams and everything else that makes up you being laid out. You get to play with that, explore it, express it and share it if you so choose. Many people do, that's one of the beautiful things about the art journaling/mixed media community, we choose to share it all because, for many, to be an artist is to be in touch with the self and not be afraid by what is revealed.

So, quite something for what appears to be a place to doodle and make a mess  ;)

Happy arting everyone.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

These Hands were Made for...

These hands were made for swirling, swishing, dabbing, painting, playing, printing, sploshing, testing, trying, drawing, pushing, pulling, placing, peeling, drizzling, stamping, snipping, sewing, sticking, tearing, scrunching, measuring, stroking, tapping, embracing, unravelling, transforming and creating.
These are artist's hands.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Random Art of Kindness

Hello folks

Just wanted to make another post to let you know of a fantastic art project being carried out by my fellow artist, known in art cricles as Head Krazy :). We met on artjournaling.ning and have struck up an incredible friendship ever since even though we're "an ocean away" :). HK and I Facebook message almost daily, exchange art and supplies in the post and regularly skype.

At the moment HK is giving away small samples of her art by leaving it in various public places. This RAK ("Random Art of Kindness) is in response to the generosity she has experienced from strangers, please read more about it here in her fantastic blog: :O)

I am so proud of HK, she's my soul sister and an all round life saver and I wish her all the very best with this wonderful project, so spread the word and why not have a go yourself? I know I'm thinking of how I could carry out my own RAK, just think how moved you would be if you found a little piece of art that had been waiting there to bring some joy into your life?

Journal page by HK placed here with kind permission :)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Into a New Phase with Into the Mix!

Hello everyone

Welcome to Into the Mix with me, Elvina. I am so happy to have you here and have my own blog :).

After eighteen months of making mixed media art almost every day I've decided to take the plunge and create my own sideline business selling my art. This blog will document this process aswell as being a place of all things arty and general gorgeous loveliness. I have close friends who blog and have their own businesses and so I have a fabulous support network!

I have always been creative and arty and as a child my Dad encouraged me the most yet an up and down family life, teen years, college, marriage and kids all pushed it to one side. I found other outlets mainly creative writing but I dipped into cardmaking, drawing and a few other hands-on crafts until mixed media stole my heart in October 2011. It was then I discovered art journaling which changed my life! I encourage all artists - new, well seasoned or merely curious to delve into art journaling as it's an incredible journey for anyone creative. I shall be posting more about this in future blogs.

So, for now here's a small sample of my work:

Pencil work is something I love, it was where I started and I shall always go back to it. This is Castiel from my favourite tv show "Supernatural".

This is adapted from a magazine image of a stunning, natural model.

This is one of my favourite mixed media spreads.I love this style of working as I can explore with so many different textures, mediums and ideas. Art journaling is a very instinctive process but also a lot of fun.

One of the products I'm planning to sell is handmade/altered journals. This journal was altered from a children's filo-fax, again, I shall post more about this very soon.

This is the front cover of my first art journal altered in the shabby chic style and a sample of what I am planning to sell.
I am also making Russian Doll art which is being encouraged by my 7 year old daughter :).
My good friend at A loving touch (Facebook only atm but new website coming soon) makes the most amazing dolls and dinos. I am planning to develop a line of cards and artwork to compliment her makes! This is a card for my daughter's 7th birthday, she owns four of my friend's dolls :).
Phew, lots there in my first post! I am very excited by this journey and hope you can join me!