Hey folks
It's been a very busy summer so far with art projects and a short break to the coast. I've been continuing with altering my planner but have also got stuck into scrapbooking! Last year during our seaside holiday I intended to scrapbook the memories but it didn't happen until now.
I've been really busy getting it together and fresh back from this year's holiday I am so keen to crack on. I'm not going for the usual format of one or two photos per page but three and I'm using double spreads too. My knowledge of mixed media art journaling is easing the way as is the excellent Scrap365 magazine, it's pricey but it's been invaluable.
I've also been busy snapping away with my phone camera creating some very satisfying pics...
I had a till like this as child and found this in a charity shop which begged to be snapped.
Who doesn't love a vintage tea shop?
Happy arting everyone!