Saturday, 23 August 2014

Seeking Permission

Hey everyone

While out for coffee today I got chatting to a young man who works in the cafe which has become a regular go-to with several of my friends. We got talking about the joys of working with young children (I'm a pre-school supervisor) and how he wanted more out of life than working in a cafe, which  possibly involves moving into the early years sector.

That always does it for me, whenever people around me say things like this, whenever they're wanting more but are yet to do anything about it. 

I then take it upon myself to give them permission.

 I say "Do it then. Do it now. Make plans and see them through. Project it out there. Be the change."

Sometimes you have to give people that nudge, become that catalyst, and give them that wake up call they have been waiting for.

I love doing this, I love seeing the flicker of renewed life in their eyes, and the fire of possibilities starting to kindle.

I love to share my passions with others, "Passing on the Love" as I call it and in doing so helping to make the world a better place in some small way.

Today has been a good day, I gave someone permission to seek more from life and it is a truly beautiful feeling. 

Be the change, people, always xx

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Ways of Seeing

Hey folks 

Hope you are all well.

I have had one of those blissful days, wandering my city alone this week. I purposefully set out to have some 'me' time, sit in cafes, makes some art, read and take photos. I did all of these things and more. 

It is amazing what the world can yield when you really LOOK. I took over 40 photos on my day out, because once you attune your eyes to that of an artist inspiration is truly EVERYWHERE.

It's funny because a book I bought the same day called "How to Be an Artist" by Michael Atavar told me the very same thing after I had snapped away and then sat down to peruse his book. 

Michael writes
 "Everything is your process and worthy of attention, so don't let anything skip your grasp. All is art and can be fuel for your artistic endeavours."

Eighteen months ago I bought Michael's other book "12 Rules for Creativity" and I highly recommend BOTH!

So, here is me doing just 
as my instinct told me...

An early lunch, spot of reading and sketching

A very happy couple having their wedding photos taken at my city's castle, I couldn't resist getting a sneaky snap :)

And I just had to take a pic of my spilt milk, it made an interesting shape on the tray and this of 1/3 images I took

These are but the tip of the Misty Mountains of what I snapped while out. 

I also sat myself down in my local art gallery which was hosting a World War I centenary exhibition and sketched a portrait of an RAF pilot from 1917. I was there and hour and a lot of people wandered past, no one said a thing to me but I do wonder if I may have inspired one of them to do the same? 

Get out there

Be seen making art

View everything with your creative eyes on

Make art

Be creative in whatever way suits you

There are NO limits, only the ones you let take root in your own mind!

Happy arting everyone


(credit to the marvellous PicMonkey free editing tool, mwah, love ya)